10 Ways to Use Coconut Oil to Feel Prettier ...


10 Ways to Use Coconut Oil to Feel Prettier ...
10 Ways to Use Coconut Oil to Feel Prettier ...

You’ve no doubt heard about the benefits of using coconut oil in your beauty routine. There are lots of ways to do this and the research proves that using it can make your hair and skin look young, gorgeous and healthy. The great news is that coconut oil is affordable and you can find it on any grocery store shelf. Incorporating it into your routine is super easy to do and you’ll love the results. Try one of these ideas and you’ll see just what I mean.

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Make a Fabulous Hair Mask

hair, black hair, face, eyebrow, clothing, One of the best ways to use coconut oil is on your hair. It pumps each strand full of nutrients that hydrate and nourish so you can have healthy, shiny and lush hair any day of the week. To make a mask with coconut oil, heat the oil so it’s a liquid, then massage it into your hair from the roots to the tips. Allow the oil to sit for about 5 minutes, then rinse it with warm water.


Slather Coconut Oil on Your Skin

face, hair, nose, person, lip, Coconut oil in solid form is the perfect moisturizer for your skin. Scoop a small amount into your hand and rub it into the skin all over your body. You want to do this right after a shower when your skin is warm and damp. Allow it to absorb before getting dressed so you don’t get the oil all over your clothes.


Treat Your Eczema Naturally

hair, black hair, face, clothing, nose, Combine liquid coconut oil with about half as much ground oats and blend well to combine. Allow the mixture to harden and then massage it into patches of eczema on your body. The coconut oil softens and soothes the skin and the oatmeal helps relieve the itchiness of eczema.


Soften and Nourish Your Lips

eyebrow, face, black hair, beauty, nose, Coconut oil is great as a lip balm that you can keep on hand all the time. Simply rub a bit of solid coconut oil into your chapped lips and allow it to absorb into your skin. With just one application, you’ll notice that your lips are smoother and softer. Coconut oil is a perfect choice for battling dryness and flaking during the cold fall and winter months.


Soften Your Cuticles with Coconut Oil

finger, nail, fashion accessory, jewellery, hand, Rough, dry cuticles are more prone to cracking and bleeding. You can soften your cuticles by massaging coconut oil into them. This is a great thing to do before or after you paint your nails. It’s totally safe to use coconut oil on your cuticles every day and you are going to love the results.


Treat the Skin under Your Eyes for a Youthful Appearance

eyebrow, face, cheek, nose, eyelash, We all want to stay looking young forever, right? The area under your eyes is one of the most obvious places where your age can betray you. If you want to fight fine lines and wrinkles under your eyes, coconut oil is the obvious answer. Coconut oil can also fight puffiness and dark circles under your eyes too.


Coconut Oil Will Fight Frizzy Hair

hair, white, clothing, hairstyle, long hair, Using coconut oil in your hair will help you fight frizz. Smooth just a small amount over your crazy strands and they should lay down flat. Just be careful not to use too much or you’ll wind up with greasy hair instead of gorgeous hair.


Put Some Coconut Oil in Your Bath

hair, blue, hairstyle, long hair, If you're a girl who loves to soak in the tub, you can put coconut oil to work for you while you relax and unwind. Simply put some of the solid coconut oil in the water and its warmth will help melt it so it combines with the water. Then, while you lay back and pamper yourself, the coconut oil will absorb into your skin and make your entire body soft, supple and moisturized.


Do a Leave in COnditioner Treatment

hair, clothing, hairstyle, long hair, blond, You don't want to put too much coconut oil in your hair because that will make it look greasy and lank. However, using a bit of coconut oil as a leave in conditioner can have mega benefits. Just put a bit of it in your mane before you go to bed and while you sleep, the coconut oil will moisturize your strands and leave you with silky, smooth hair all day long.


Highlight Your Cheekbones with Coconut Oil

hair, face, human hair color, eyebrow, nose, You've probably heard all about the contouring trend, but that doesn't mean you have to try it. If you'd rather go with something easier and less time consuming, you'll love how just a dab of coconut oil can highlight your cheekbones. Simply rub a small bit on each cheek and you'll have that lovely dewy glow you crave so much.

How do you use coconut oil? Which of these ideas are you most excited to try?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Just a few days ago they were talking about using all different types of oils for beauty. On your face, body, etc. They stated that coconut oil didn't have any hydration uses at all. Not to use as a moisturizer. To use other types of oil for that??

Coconut oil is not a moisturizer. It's a sealant.

it's great for taking off makeup toooooo

Although coconut oil is great for beauty uses, beware that it also has the highest fat content.

Coconut oil is the best

Use it instead of vegetable oil to cook, use as a salad dressing and marinade too, I use coconut oil for oil pulling, place a tablespoon full of the oil in your mouth, swirl it around for 15-20 mins per day, pulls out all toxins, read up on it guys, oh and it whitens teeth!

Can you cook with coconut oil? How?

I use coconut oil as a moisturizer everyday. My skin had never been better. I love it!

@Claukrav Yeah, they sell it in the store in a spray also. With the other non-stick sprays for cooking. I like it for that because it has no flavor to ruin your food flavors.

@Sev that's what I've heard just wondering who was right?

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